The Zumtobel Group is an international lighting group and a leading supplier of innovative lighting solutions, lighting components and associated services. With its core brands, Zumtobel, Thorn and Tridonic, the Group offers its customers around the world a comprehensive portfolio of products and services.
Aufgaben Are you fascinated by innovative technologies and want to brighten up the world with smart lighting solutions? As a Systems Engineer, you will shape the future of modern lighting systems. You work in an interdisciplinary team that is passionate about customized lighting solutions and high-quality components - and contribute your expertise to exciting projects.
Your tasks as a Systems Engineer:
Based on the requirements, you will create the technical specification and system architecture for the integration of electronics-based components (sensors, communication units, controllers). You will be the expert for innovative system solutions - globally, interdisciplinary and across the entire product life cycle. As a sub-project manager, you will be responsible for the selection, verification and development in collaboration with internal and external development partners. This includes the release and documentation of the components. You integrate your system solution into our lighting and control systems and ensure their compatibility (including system interfaces and product restrictions), in order to guarantee the highest quality and performance requirements in real lighting systems. You will create and maintain the technical documentation, keep product information up to date and continuously improve your solutions throughout the product life cycle. You will work closely with internal and external development partners and provide third level support, including handling complaints.
Profil You have a profound technical curiosity, analytical mindset and question existing solutions. Your solution-oriented thinking enables you to transform complex technical requirements into smart and efficient system solutions. Your cooperative communication, openness and team spirit contribute to the success of your system solution.
You have successfully completed a Master's degree in electrical engineering, electronics, computer science, information and computer engineering, software engineering or a comparable field from a technical university or university of applied sciences. You have already gained several years of professional experience in the areas of product development of electronic systems (hardware/software), requirements engineering and project management, ideally in the lighting industry or in the development of complex systems. You have in-depth knowledge of requirements engineering tools and processes (UML/SysML), embedded systems, communication technologies and wireless standards such as Bluetooth, RFID, ZigBee and WLAN. Moreover, you have experience in the development of distributed embedded communication systems (ideally IP or wireless systems) as well as in the development of series products. Finally, you have a very good command of written and spoken English; knowledge of German is an advantage.
Wir bieten Successful, international group with family DNA . Varied field of activity with personal responsibility. Numerous opportunities for further development in an innovative and empowering company. Great team that will support you in any situation. Individual options to ensure a healthy work-life balance . Extensive benefits for our employees. Enlightening your career
We curiously discover new fields of work together, our mentoring program is meant to support you to fully develop your skills and potentials. Work-Life-Balance
Your best individual work-life balance will vary over time, often on a daily basis, this is why we offer flexible working-models and sabbatical options for our employees. International perspective
Be part of a network of creativity and high-tech and contribute to an ecosystem that enables you to realize your potential within multinational, intercultural teams. Open-minded and respectful culture
Working for the ZG means to be a part of an open-minded and passionate culture based on the spirit of the company's founder Dr. Walter Zumtobel. Legally binding notice: Based on the minimum salary stipulated in the collective agreement of € 61.376,28 /p.a. (for a 38,50-hour working week), the actual salary for this position is based on professional qualifications and experience.
The Zumtobel Group is an international lighting group and a leading supplier of innovative lighting solutions, lighting components and associated services. With its core brands, Zumtobel, Thorn and Tridonic, the Group offers its customers around the world a comprehensive portfolio of products and services.
Aufgaben As our EXPERT in all global customs & export control topics, you lead, manage, decide proactively all topics around import and export customs by 100% fulfilling compliance regulation & tax laws on a national and international level. Together with your expert team of 5+ customs professionals, you ensure that all relevant regulations are met and are accurate. Your working place will be ideally in Dornbirn. BE OUR KEY EXPERT: You actively direct legal changes and emerging trends in global trade and tax legislation that impact customs & export control operations. Hence you are the main point of contact for all external authorities, internal stakeholders, and customs experts in our plants and sales organizations. LEAD GLOBAL CUSTOMS STRATEGY: You operationally steer import-export operations, tariff classifications, and AEO certification. You are responsible for customs reporting to comply with the current international and national laws, and tax regulations. MANAGE INTERNAL PROCESSES MANAGEMENT: You implement global customs procedures, coordinate corrective actions, and align with for instance our tax, legal, finance, sales, and logistics teams. You take full responsibility for customs and export control for both the Lighting Brand and Tridonic. LEAD AND GUIDE A TEAM: By providing mentorship and professional support in all customs matters, you empower your team to grow professionally while ensuring proficiency in global customs and export process, where they are acknowledged as customs expert throughout the Zumtobel Group. CONDUCT AUDIT & TRAINING: You manage audits, train, and maintain a high level of competency in customs & export control knowledge across the organization, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and engaged.
Profil EXPERIENCED CUSTOMS & EXPORT CONTROL EXPERT: You have a comprehensive knowledge backed by 5-7 years' experience in customs regulations and export control. COMPLETED EDUCATION: You have a completed bachelor's degree or higher education or dedicated customs specific program. CHARISMATIC LEADER: You have proven ability to lead and inspire teams, balancing strategic and operational responsibilities. You are able to mentor and motivate others, providing clear direction while respecting individual contributions. You are committed to fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect, where diverse perspectives are valued and encouraged. EMPATHETIC STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT: You are skilled in engaging with internal stakeholders and official authorities, effectively navigating diverse relationships while understanding risks and ensuring compliance with established rules. This includes a strong ability to collaborate with local customs authorities, ensuring seamless operations and quick resolution of issues, all while delivering 100% solutions in complex scenarios. ACCURATE & ORGANISED WORKING STYLE: Your working style is characterized by your strong analytical- and conceptual thinking skills, where you are results-oriented with a strong ability to balance multiple priorities and you always maintain the overview. You work by a "never give up" and "only the 100% correct result counts" attitude. FLUENT IN GERMAN & ENGLISH: You are fluent in German and English with proven ability to collaborate effectively across different cultures.
Wir bieten Successful, international group with family DNA. Varied field of activity with personal responsibility. Numerous opportunities for further development in an innovative and empowering company. Great team that will support you in any situation. Individual options to ensure a healthy work-life balance. Extensive benefits for our employees. Legally binding notice: Based on the minimum salary stipulated in the collective agreement of €85.542,24. (for a 38,50-hour working week), the actual salary for this position is based on professional qualifications and experience. Enlightening your career
We curiously discover new fields of work together, our mentoring program is meant to support you to fully develop your skills and potentials. International perspective
Be part of a network of creativity and high-tech and contribute to an ecosystem that enables you to realize your potential within multinational, intercultural teams. Work-Life-Balance
Your best individual work-life balance will vary over time, often on a daily basis, this is why we offer flexible working-models and sabbatical options for our employees. Open-minded and respectful culture
Working for the ZG means to be a part of an open-minded and passionate culture based on the spirit of the company's founder Dr. Walter Zumtobel.
Die Zumtobel Group ist ein internationaler Lichtkonzern und ein führender Anbieter von innovativen Lichtlösungen, Lichtkomponenten und den dazugehörigen Services. Mit ihren Kernmarken Zumtobel, Thorn und Tridonic bietet die Unternehmensgruppe ihren Kunden in aller Welt ein umfassendes Produkt- und Serviceportfolio.
Aufgaben ZUMTOBEL - . klicken sie bewerben, für die volle Stellenbeschreibung
Die Zumtobel Group ist ein internationaler Lichtkonzern und ein führender Anbieter von innovativen Lichtlösungen, Lichtkomponenten und den dazugehörigen Services. Mit ihren Kernmarken Zumtobel, Thorn und Tridonic bietet die Unternehmensgruppe ihren Kunden in aller Welt ein umfassendes Produkt- und Serviceportfolio.
Aufgaben ZUMTOBEL - Mit unserer Beleuchtung merken Sie den Unterschied - Zumtobel bietet Lichtkonzepte für die Bereiche Office & Education, Industry, Retail, Art & Culture sowie Health & Care. Durch unsere ganzheitlichen, innovativen, effizienten und nachhaltigen Lichtlösungen tragen wir zu einem wesentlichen Mehrwert für unsere Kunden bei. Als Global Application Manager erforschen und definieren Sie neue Anwendungsfelder- und -bereiche und dazu die passende innovative Lichtlösung. Sie erschließen neue Anwendungssegmente und entwickeln die strategische Ausrichtung innovativer Lichtlösungen. IDENTIFIKATION VON NEUEN ANWENDUNGSFELDER: Sie erforschen Trends auf der Makro- und Lösungsebene. Hierbei netzwerken Sie sowohl intern, als auch mit externen Kunden, Institutionen und Plattformen. Sie identifizieren potentielle Innovationsarenen (VoC), mögliche neue Märkte und Lösungen für neue Kanäle, Subsegmente und Regionen. APPLIKATIONSSTRATEGIE ENTWICKELN: Sie analysieren die Lichtbedürfnisse unserer Kunden und der Anwendung. Daraus leiten Sie eine entsprechende Applikationsstrategie mit Lösungsportfolio-, Marketing- und Vertriebsmaßnahmen ab. GANZHEITLICHE LICHTLÖSUNG DEFINIEREN: Sie entwickeln und definieren smarte, innovative Beleuchtungslösungen - vollumfänglich von der Beleuchtung, über die Steuerung bis hin zu physischen und digitalen Services und challengen die Machbarkeit mit internen Stakeholdern. ABSTIMMUNG APPLICATION ROADMAPS: Als Resultat Ihrer Anwendungsstrategie stimmen sie sich mit dem Produktmanagement bezüglich Entwicklungsprojekten und mit den Ländern bezüglich deren Ziele ab. Bei offenen Fragen geben Sie als Application Manager die Richtung vor. PUSH & SALE: Vor Ort in den Sales-Regionen präsentieren Sie Ihre neuen und ganzheitlichen Lichtlösungskonzepte. Durch diese Marktsegmentierung und Positionierung bieten wir unserem globalen Sales-Team die Möglichkeiten neue Kanäle zu erreichen wodurch unser Umsatz maßgeblich gesteigert werden kann.
Profil LICHT- UND ANWENDUNGSERFAHRUNG: Sie bringen mehrjährige Berufserfahrung (mind. 3 J.) aus dem lichttechnischen-, Service- oder Controls-Bereich und ein überdurchschnittliches Anwendungsverständnis mit. ANALYTISCHES MINDSET & WIRTSCHAFTLICHER FOKUS: Sie haben ein Gespür für Wirtschaftlichkeit, und erfolgreiche Geschäfte. Sie analysieren, priorisieren und leiten daraus Ihre Applikationsstrategie ab. Darüber hinaus verfügen Sie über einen Universitätsabschluss. NAHTLOS VERNETZT & SEHR KOMMUNIKATIV Sie sind erfolgreich weil Sie herausragend kommunizieren, ein außergewöhnlicher Netzwerker sind, Menschen zusammenbringen und sich auf allen Hierarchieebenen diplomatisch und mit Fingerspitzengefühl durchsetzen. FLIEßEND IN ENGLISCH UND DEUTSCH: Sie beherrschen Deutsch und Englisch fließend in Wort und Schrift. PROAKTIV EIGENINITIATIV: Sie überzeugen durch Ihren lösungsorientierten, effizienten und erstaunlich organisierten Arbeitsstil kombiniert mit Ihrer überdurchschnittlichen selbstständigen Arbeitsweise. ENGAGEMENT & WISSBEGIERDE: Persönlich beeindrucken Sie durch Ihre starke Motivation neue Dinge umzusetzen. Außerdem sind Sie wissbegierig, engagiert und voller Tatendrang. Sie stehen zu 100 % in dem was Sie tun und sind in der Lage Mitarbeiter und Stakeholder mitzureißen. SIE REISEN GERNE: Sie haben die Bereitschaft international zu reisen.
Wir bieten Erfolgreicher, internationaler Konzern mit familiärer DNA. Abwechslungsreiches Aufgabengebiet mit Eigenverantwortung. Zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung in einem innovativen und bestärkendem Unternehmen. Großartiges Team, das Ihnen in jeder Situation den Rücken stärkt. Individuelle Optionen, um eine gesunde Work-Life-Balance sicherzustellen. Umfassende Vergünstigungen für unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Gesetzlich verpflichtender Hinweis: Basierend auf dem kollektivvertraglich vorgeschriebenen Mindestgehalt (bei 38,5 Wochenstunden) von € 67.324, /p.a. orientiert sich das tatsächliche Gehalt für diese Position an der beruflichen Qualifikation und Erfahrung. Gut für Ihre Karriereplanung
Gemeinsam entdecken wir neue Arbeitsfelder. Unser Mentoring Programm unterstützt Sie bei der Entfaltung Ihres Potenzials. Internationale Perspektive
Werden Sie Teil eines Netzwerks aus Kreativität und Hightech; verwirklichen Sie Ihr Potenzial in einem Ecosystem aus multinationalen und interkulturellen Teams. Work-Life-Balance
Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und Sabbaticaloptionen ermöglichen Ihnen Harmonie zwischen Work und Life zu schaffen. Offene und respektvolle Kultur
Arbeiten bei der Zumtobel Group bedeutet, Teil einer offenen Unternehmenskultur zu sein, basierend auf den Werten des Gründers Dr. Walter Zumtobel.
Die Zumtobel Group ist ein internationaler Lichtkonzern und ein führender Anbieter von innovativen Lichtlösungen, Lichtkomponenten und den dazugehörigen Services. Mit ihren Kernmarken Zumtobel, Thorn und Tridonic bietet die Unternehmensgruppe ihren Kunden in aller Welt ein umfassendes Produkt- un... Original Stellenanzeige auf – Jetzt Jobagent bei StepStone einrichten und Traumjob finden!
Mehr Informationen zu Arbeitgebern, Gehaltsdaten und Karrieretipps finden Sie auf
The Zumtobel Group is an international lighting group and a leading supplier of innovative lighting solutions, lighting components and associated services. With its core brands, Zumtobel, Thorn and Tridonic, the Group offers its customers around the world a comprehensive portfolio of products and... Original Stellenanzeige auf – Jetzt Jobagent bei StepStone einrichten und Traumjob finden!
Mehr Informationen zu Arbeitgebern, Gehaltsdaten und Karrieretipps finden Sie auf
The Zumtobel Group is an international lighting group and a leading supplier of innovative lighting solutions, lighting components and associated services. With its core brands, Zumtobel, Thorn and Tridonic, the Group offers its customers around the world a comprehensive portfolio of products and... Original Stellenanzeige auf – Jetzt Jobagent bei StepStone einrichten und Traumjob finden!
Mehr Informationen zu Arbeitgebern, Gehaltsdaten und Karrieretipps finden Sie auf
Die Zumtobel Group ist ein internationaler Lichtkonzern und ein führender Anbieter von innovativen Lichtlösungen, Lichtkomponenten und den dazugehörigen Services. Mit ihren Kernmarken Zumtobel, Thorn und Tridonic bietet die Unternehmensgruppe ihren Kunden in aller Welt ein umfassendes Produkt- und Serviceportfolio. Aufgaben ZUMTOBEL -. klicken sie bewerben, für die volle Stellenbeschreibung
The Zumtobel Group is an international lighting group and a leading supplier of innovative lighting solutions, lighting components and associated services. With its core brands, Zumtobel, Thorn and Tridonic, the Group offers its customers around the world a comprehensive portfolio of products and services.
As our EXPERT in all global customs & export control topics, you lead, manage, decide proactively all topics around import and export customs by 100% fulfilling compliance regulation & tax laws on a national and international level. Together with your expert team of 5+ customs professionals, you ensure that all relevant regulations are met and are accurate. Your working place will be ideally in Dornbirn. BE OUR KEY EXPERT: You actively direct legal changes and emerging trends in global trade and tax legislation that impact customs & export control operations. Hence you are the main point of contact for all external authorities, internal stakeholders, and customs experts in our plants and sales organizations. LEAD GLOBAL CUSTOMS STRATEGY: You operationally steer import-export operations, tariff classifications, and AEO certification. You are responsible for customs reporting to comply with the current international and national laws, and tax regulations. MANAGE INTERNAL PROCESSES MANAGEMENT: You implement global customs procedures, coordinate corrective actions, and align with for instance our tax, legal, finance, sales, and logistics teams. You take full responsibility for customs and export control for both the Lighting Brand and Tridonic. LEAD AND GUIDE A TEAM: By providing mentorship and professional support in all customs matters, you empower your team to grow professionally while ensuring proficiency in global customs and export process, where they are acknowledged as customs expert throughout the Zumtobel Group. CONDUCT AUDIT & TRAINING: You manage audits, train, and maintain a high level of competency in customs & export control knowledge across the organization, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and engaged.
EXPERIENCED CUSTOMS & EXPORT CONTROL EXPERT: You have a comprehensive knowledge backed by 5-7 years' experience in customs regulations and export control. COMPLETED EDUCATION: You have a completed bachelor's degree or higher education or dedicated customs specific program. CHARISMATIC LEADER: You have proven ability to lead and inspire teams, balancing strategic and operational responsibilities. You are able to mentor and motivate others, providing clear direction while respecting individual contributions. You are committed to fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect, where diverse perspectives are valued and encouraged. EMPATHETIC STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT: You are skilled in engaging with internal stakeholders and official authorities, effectively navigating diverse relationships while understanding risks and ensuring compliance with established rules. This includes a strong ability to collaborate with local customs authorities, ensuring seamless operations and quick resolution of issues, all while delivering 100% solutions in complex scenarios. ACCURATE & ORGANISED WORKING STYLE: Your working style is characterized by your strong analytical- and conceptual thinking skills, where you are results-oriented with a strong ability to balance multiple priorities and you always maintain the overview. You work by a “never give up” and “only the 100% correct result counts” attitude. FLUENT IN GERMAN & ENGLISH: You are fluent in German and English with proven ability to collaborate effectively across different cultures.
Successful, international group with family DNA. Varied field of activity with personal responsibility. Numerous opportunities for further development in an innovative and empowering company. Great team that will support you in any situation. Individual options to ensure a healthy work-life balance. Extensive benefits for our employees. Legally binding notice: Based on the minimum salary stipulated in the collective agreement of €85.542,24. (for a 38,50-hour working week), the actual salary for this position is based on professional qualifications and experience. Enlightening your career
We curiously discover new fields of work together, our mentoring program is meant to support you to fully develop your skills and potentials. International perspective
Be part of a network of creativity and high-tech and contribute to an ecosystem that enables you to realize your potential within multinational, intercultural teams. Work-Life-Balance
Your best individual work-life balance will vary over time, often on a daily basis, this is why we offer flexible working-models and sabbatical options for our employees. Open-minded and respectful culture
Working for the ZG means to be a part of an open-minded and passionate culture based on the spirit of the company's founder Dr. Walter Zumtobel.
Die Zumtobel Group ist ein internationaler Lichtkonzern und ein führender Anbieter von innovativen Lichtlösungen, Lichtkomponenten und den dazugehörigen Services. Mit ihren Kernmarken Zumtobel, Thorn und Tridonic bietet die Unternehmensgruppe ihren Kunden in aller Welt ein umfassendes Produkt- und Serviceportfolio.
Aufgaben ZUMTOBEL - . klicken sie bewerben, für die volle Stellenbeschreibung